New CD “Antibodies – Inside the machine”
After 10 years of collaboration with Mainz based Fluxus Artist "Brandstifter", publishing two books, performing in Galeries, Music Festival and Literature houses from New York to Vienna, this is our…
After 10 years of collaboration with Mainz based Fluxus Artist "Brandstifter", publishing two books, performing in Galeries, Music Festival and Literature houses from New York to Vienna, this is our…
my poem "Helsinki" is part of the first Anthology of German Poems about Finland and the Finns, neighboring such classic poets als Berthold Brecht, Joachim Ringelnatz, Johannes Bobrowski, Hans-Magnus Enzensberger…
presenting Sami Poetry; Joiks & Talks at City Library Frankfurt, 17.10.2019, Guest of Honor Norway, in cooperation with Bookfair Frankfurt, NORLA and City Library. With: Synnøve Persen, Niillas Holmberg, Inga…
Bookfair Reading at "Literatur in Hessen", Friday, Oct.18th, 2019, 3pm, Hall 4.1., Booth G71 Milena Maren Röthig and me will read texts and discuss our experiences with the new writers…
In-Between – From Joik to Rap New Sami Poetry between tradition and future Thu., Oct.10th, 2019, 7:30pm Zentralbibliothek Frankfurt (Central City Library) Hasengasse 4 Free Admisson, Drinks & Bretzel…
My sound poetry dance project with Finnish Dancer/Choreographer Milla Koistinen is now featured prominently in the new "dance & poetry" issue of Finnish Online Magazine "NOKTURNO" Here´s a link…
My talk with the amazing Georgian Avantgarde Poet & political activist Zurab Rtveliashvili at City Libary during Bookfair Frankfurt 2018 (German/Georgian). The talk was part of a series of presentations…
From Oct. - Dec 15.2018 I was the resident artist in the small town Huenfeld in northern Hessia. I lived in the unique artist tower in the center. A…
I will present two prominent Georgian poets each day during Frankfurt Book Fair 2018 at 13h: 10.10.-14.10.2018 Georgian Characters - Poetry Talk Moderation: Dirk Hülstrunk Language/ GER,ENGL,GEO (Simultaneous translation) Ehrengast-Pavillon…
Across borders – Electropoetry and Spoken Word from Georgia presented by Dirk Hülstrunk Live music: Gogo Dzodzuashvili, Toresa Mossy, authors: Rati Amaglobeli, Shalva Bakuradze, Erekle Deisadze, Zurab Rtveliashvili Spoken Word…