Dada Wuppertal
Performance at Dadafestival Wuppertal, Peter-Kowald-Gesellschaft, Ort e.V.
Performance at Dadafestival Wuppertal, Peter-Kowald-Gesellschaft, Ort e.V.
I am exited to go to Mexico again for the festival "Poesie en Voz Alta", performing with a lot of great and renowed artists. Full program info here
On Jan. 23rd my dear friend, artist, filmmaker, curator, teacher, art critic and Outsider Art activist Erkki Pirtola from Helsinki, Finland died unexpectedly. Without Erkki I probably would have never…
It was a great pleasure and honor to host the closing show of "Litprom Literaturtage" festival of world literature & literature of the global south at Literaturhaus Frankfurt on Sat.…
Complete performance with Jaromir Typlt, Cafe Fra, Prag, 16.11.15 on Soundcloud.
I am blogging for the German language magazine "Prag Aktuell" about my time in Prague (only in German) Sirenen, 2.12.15 Sprechen, 18.11.15 Ahoi Prag, 13.11.15
Nov. 5.- Dec. 11. I will be a resident writer at Literaturhaus, Prague .
Again I curate a special Bookfairprogram, this time with great poets from Guestcountry Indonesia in Cooperation with Litprom & National Committee Indonesia. Language will be Indonesian, English & German. All…
Busy week in Turku 15.9.-20.9.: Perfomance/Sound-Installation/Lecture/Workshop Tu. 15.9. 10-12h introduction to sound poetry (open lecture/performance) Kuvateatteri auditorium at Turku Arts Academy, Linnankatu 54-60 Tu. 15.9.-18.9. sound poetry workshop (only for…