Müüü Review on Vital Weekly
Nice review of my new CD Müüü, published by Atemwerft from: Vital Weekly Number 928, Week 16 DIRK HUELSTRUNK – MÜÜÜ (CDR by Atemwerft) The voice is the oldest instrument…
Nice review of my new CD Müüü, published by Atemwerft from: Vital Weekly Number 928, Week 16 DIRK HUELSTRUNK – MÜÜÜ (CDR by Atemwerft) The voice is the oldest instrument…
If you ever wondered why I am obsessed with repetition and loops - here´s an Interview Martin Schmidt (Atemwerft Label) made with me in relation with my new CD release…
I am happy to announce that my new Sound Poetry CD "müüü" is finallly & officially released today (at Hugo Balls Birthday) on Atemwerft-Label, Augsburg. You can also order or…
A PILE OF FRAMES dance- & text sound loop performance Premiere Wed, 22.1.2014, 20 Uhr Gallus Theater, Kleyerstrasse 15, 60326 Frankfurt www.gallustheater.de Milla Koistinen (FIN): dance choreography, Dirk HuelsTrunk (GER):…
Watercoloured Well Thu., Dec. 12, 8pmWalpodenakademie Neubrunnenstrasse 8, Mainz Impro-concert: Voice meets electro-acoustic space nonsense with Brandstifter, Johannes Lauxen, Tanja Roolfs, Carsten Olbrich, Ingmar Ehler, Barbare Rößler & myself The…
Wed., Dec 12 I will perform my solo program "Analfabet" in the fantastic exhibition "Ruhe Störung - Streifzüge durch die Welten der Collage" at Museum Marta Herford. Here a version…
What an exciting tour. So many places, so many poets. 9 performances in 10 days at 4 festivals (w/word festival, Helsinki, Crazy Tartu Festival, Estonia, Runoviikko (Turku, Tampere, Jyväskylä, Mynämäki)…
7 C & sunny in Helsinki, looking forward to the first performance of the tour at w/word Festival at Cafe Mascot, 20.00h with: Puppa J & Rasmoose FOLKSTEP project Tobias…
On Bookfair Saturday I will perform Sound/Spoken Word Poetry in a wild intercultural Mix of Poets from Finnland and Brazil. Berlin artist, writer Gabi Schaffner will join us to read a text about Finnish Karaoke crazyness. Benedict Hegemann is a young Poetry Slam regular from Frankfurt. There will be live music (Finnish Tango meets Brazilian Songs) & Finnish Beer & Liquor. Good reasons to leave other more boring Bookfair events behind.
Sat., Oct. 12th, 8:30pm
Spoken Word Meeting: Brazil Finland Germany, Cafe1, Fachhochschule Frankfurt, Nibelungenplatz 1 (Entrance Friedberger Landstrasse, opposite of Shell Gas Station), Frankfurt am Main
Aldo Medeiros, (Rio de Janeiro) Esa Hirvonen (Turku, FIN), Juha Kulmala (Turku, FIN), Katariina Vuorinen (Jyväskylä, FIN), Dirk Huelstrunk (Frankfurt), Benedict Hegemann (Frankfurt), Gabi Schaffner (Berlin)
Aldo Medeiros (Brasilian Songs) & Bändi (Finnish Tango): Kristina Debelius (vocals, stagepiano), Johannes Kramer (double bass), Martin Lejeune (Guitar), Thomas Salzmann (drums, perc)