
publications: Plötzlicher Nebel, poems, Axel-Dielmann-Verlag, Coming Up Herbst 2022 Translation: M. Ellery/ Clara Reschkin - The color of love / Welche Farbe hat die Liebe (Childrens Book), Alibri Verlag Okt.…

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Soundpoetry at Xerox Exotique, INM, Frankfurt 2.12.2023

Xerox Exotique XE#85, Sa. 2.12.2023,  Get in 16:00, Start ca. 16:30
fee 10+ Euro
INM – Institut für Neue Medien, Schmickstraße 18, 60314 Frankfurt am Main
Entrance on the right side, INM at the top floor.

I am honored to be part of the great finishing Festival of Xerox Exotique at Institute für neue Medien (INM), Frankfurt. There´s a fantastic line-up of experimental & electronic artists & I will be doing some Loop Poetry & Sounds. XE and INM have to leave the location after 85 Shows.

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Episode 5 – Possible Poetry – Poets of Today/ Voices of tomorrow

Frankfurter Buchmesse Special Edition of “Possible Poetry” in Cooperation with Radio X Frankfurt in relation to Bookfair Guest of Honor Slownia. Talk in English.
Guests are Nika Kovač from Slovenian cultural organisation “Pionierski Dom” & Veronica Dintinja, poet and Slovenian representative of “Poets of Today – Voices of tomorrow” at Frankfurter Buchmesse.

The music for this show (except intro and outro) was created by Tobias Schmidt (szmt) und Josef Bercek (Öl brennt).

This Podcast was originally broadcasted by Radio X Frankfurt on Oct. 20., 2023 (


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Poets of Today – Voices of Tomorrow, Buchmesse Frankfurt, Oct. 19th

On Thu. 19.10.2023, 19:30 I will moderate the unusual multilingual staged reading “Poets of Today – Voices of Tomorrow” as part of the Slovenian Guest of Honour appearance at the Frankfurt Book Fair at the International Theater Frankfurt with: with Veronika Dintinjana (Slovenia), Harri Hertell (Finland), Radmila Petrović (Serbia), Małgorzata Lebda (Poland) Márton Simon (Hungary). Free admission!

“Poets of Today – Voices of Tomorrow” is an unusual international poetry and educational project coordinated by the Slovenian organization “Pionierski Dom” & supported by the European Union. The first book with multilingual texts of the poets will be published at the book fair. (more…)

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