Storm – by Tim Minchin – Graphic Novel with my translation
Just Arrived: I am really proud. This was one of my most exciting Jobs during the Pandemia "Storm" is a legendary Beat/ Spoken Word Poem by Australian Musician, Comedian, Actor…
Just Arrived: I am really proud. This was one of my most exciting Jobs during the Pandemia "Storm" is a legendary Beat/ Spoken Word Poem by Australian Musician, Comedian, Actor…
New website "Büro für überflüssige Worte" / Office of useless words - The „office of useless words“ is a mobile, temporary office-installation: a table, chairs, index cards, stamps, pinboard…
Presentation & talk and collective impro about my work with international Sound Poets group "Language is a virus". Thank you Felipe Cussen (Santiago de Chile) & Martin Bakero (Paris) for…
so here it is, straight from the printer "Den Fehler wiederholen" - New Poems, Axel-Dielmann-Verlag, Frankfurt. You can order now for 9€
by Kaninhal - March 27, 2020 'Can you ear me_' - Antibodies (Steep Gloss) - Kaninhal An ambient music blog, with additional references to techno and experimental / field. Release…
Antibodies is what we need. New publication of Duo-Loop-Sound-Poetry-No!-sense with my great Antibuddy Stefan Brand Stifter on Cassette Label Steepgloss from Wigan, England. Get your Tapedecks out or listen online.…
World Poetry Day - Poetry is the best medicine against reality A german version of the poem is published in "Zucken sie doch nicht so" Gonzo Verlag, 2018
Dirk Hülstrunk, Harri Gottschalk, Stefan Schulz-Anker (Frankfurt) Zucken Sie doch nicht so/ Don´t move —> 27.03.2020, 21 h Lokal im Mousonturm, Waldschmidtstrasse 4, Frankfurt Poetry/Conzert Tickets: VVK € 9,30 /…
Antibodies & David Wallraff Freitag, 21.2.2020 Zum Limit/ KussKuss Nogatstraße 30, Berlin Get in 7 pm, Start 8pm David Wallraf (Berlin) ANTIBODIES - Loop/Noise/Poetry/No!sense Dirk Hülstrunk (Frankfurt) Brandstifter (Mainz)…