Müüü Review on Vital Weekly

Nice review of my new CD Müüü, published by Atemwerft

from: Vital Weekly Number 928, Week 16


The voice is the oldest instrument and has lot’s of possibilities to express emotions in a musical way. The human instrument is the most personal sound which does exist and many musicians and artists experiment with their own voice. In this tradition Dirk Huelstrunk, working and living in Germany, creates the album Müüü which is released by Atemwerft. Atemwerft is a new label which is specialized in vocal sound poetry, scat singing, beatboxing, loop singing, breath music etc. etc. The spoken-word and sound artist Martyn Schmidt run the label from Augsburg. Dirk Huelstrunk is a sound poet/artist aswell, but is also a poet, literary minimalist and dada-researcher. The album has ten compositions and are all recorded by using his own voice and a loop station. He uses his voices in many many ways and knows how to use the loop station. For people who know how this effect works the music will not be a surprising act, but the diversity in using his voice as a instrument, as a source for repeating poets and as a noise machine makes this album to a worthy album in het sound-word art. The title track for example is a beautiful improvisation in which high tones and trembling sounds create a meditative atmosphere. “Seedferdchen und Flugfische” is written by Hugo Ball, a Dadaist and co-founder of Cabaret Voltaire has been interpret by Huelstrunk and his interpretation of one of the first Dada poems is nice and clear. Müüü is highly recommended for people who are interested in sound poems and the multiple possibilities of the human voice. A nice start of a new label and I am curious to their next releases. (JKH)

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