In episode 02 of Possible Poetry my guests are Felipe Cussen and Martin Bakero, two of the most important conteporary experimental poets and artists from Chile. Felipe is a conceptual poet/ artist and scientific researcher from University of Santiago de Chile. Martin Bakero is a Soundpoetry/ Performance Artist and Psychoanalyst from Chile now living in Paris. We had a truly deep talk about technology and artificial intelligence, about poetry as play, poetic decisions, negative poetics, transformation & transmutation, psychotic and schizophrenic experiences, the ethical position of poets, about the crazy connection of mystical experience and experimental poetry, about the inspiration of “not understanding” and “non-determination”, about non-sense as an expression of “non serviam” and a poetry that goes beyond language. We also get a very concise introduction to the history and contemporary state of the experimental poetry scene in Chile and we learn about a powerful underground-connection between Writers Forum in London and the experimental poetry scene in Chile. We get introduced to a brandnew international network of experimental artists working between genres. And we finish off with an improvised sound poetry session. Please Check out the shownotes and our long list of names and references on the Podigee Blog: