Bookfair Special: Spoken Word Meeting: Brazil Finland Germany

On Bookfair Saturday I will perform Sound/Spoken Word Poetry in a wild intercultural Mix of Poets from Finnland and Brazil. Berlin artist, writer Gabi Schaffner will join us to read a text about Finnish Karaoke crazyness. Benedict Hegemann is a young Poetry Slam regular from Frankfurt. There will be live music (Finnish Tango meets Brazilian Songs) & Finnish Beer & Liquor. Good reasons to leave other more boring Bookfair events behind.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA Sat., Oct. 12th, 8:30pm
Spoken Word Meeting: Brazil Finland Germany, Cafe1, Fachhochschule Frankfurt, Nibelungenplatz 1 (Entrance Friedberger Landstrasse, opposite of Shell Gas Station), Frankfurt am Main
Aldo Medeiros, (Rio de Janeiro) Esa Hirvonen (Turku, FIN), Juha Kulmala (Turku, FIN), Katariina Vuorinen (Jyväskylä, FIN), Dirk Huelstrunk (Frankfurt), Benedict Hegemann (Frankfurt), Gabi Schaffner (Berlin)
Aldo Medeiros (Brasilian Songs) & Bändi (Finnish Tango): Kristina Debelius (vocals, stagepiano), Johannes Kramer (double bass), Martin Lejeune (Guitar), Thomas Salzmann (drums, perc)

Finland and Brazil are as far away as you can get. Geographically and cultural. So what is the connection? Both are guest countries at Frankfurt Book Fair. Both host a big and interesting Spoken Word Scene unknown in Germany. In both countries it is common to connect poetry to music. Enough reasons to try an excentric combination of Samba and Finnish Tango, of street poetry from Turku and Jyväskylä and from Rio de Janeiro. Three well known spoken word poets/artists from Germany complement the show.

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