Office of useless words – new website

Office of useless words – new website

New website “Büro für überflüssige Worte” / Office of useless words –

The „office of useless words“ is a mobile, temporary office-installation: a table, chairs, index cards, stamps, pinboard & a potted plant & poet / performer Dirk Huelstrunk as office clerk.

During office hours, you can hand in words you don’t need and don’t want to use anymore. You will sign with date and name, stating you don’t want to use these words again, stamping your word officially “useless”. In return you will get a surprise word you can fill with new exciting meaning.
Useless words will be registered & displayed.

The office of useless words usually finishes with a live-performance & transformation of useless words into poetry. It is possible to invite guest artists or local artists for guest performances and/or discussion.

The project was originally comissioned by Olohuone Festival, Turku, Finland & was active at City Library Turku. It has been part of Festivals like Open Books (Frankfurt), Zürich liest (Zuerich) diverse Congresses.

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