Weltlesebühne – Poetry in translation

Talk and Performance in German

“Weltlesebühne” invited me for a talk on translation and a double performance with material from my new poetry book “plötzlicher nebel” (Axel-Dielmann-Verlag, Frankfurt 2022) and from my translation of Tim Minchin´s legendary “Storm” Poem published as a Graphic Novel at Alibri Verlag, Aschaffenburg 2020. The event was a great start-off for the meeting of VdÜ (Verband der Übersetzer/ Translators Union) the next day.


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Performing at SWA, Ljubljana, November 30th 2022

Mi.30.11.22, 18 Uhr Dirk Hülstrunk (D) - Plötzlicher Nebel. Buchvorstellung & Loop Poesie Gespräch mit Alija Adam / Übersetzungen von Blaž Božič https://drustvo-dsp.si/literarno-pogovorno-popoldne-z-nemskim-zvocnim-pesnikom-in-umetnikom-dirk-hulstrunkom/ Društvo slovenskih pisateljev / Slovene Writers' Associatio Tomšičeva…

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New Poetry Book – Ploetzlicher Nebel (Sudden Fog)

This must be my first real real poetry book with real poems – not just a collection  of spoken word poems. Mostly written during the pandemic, dealing with a new definition of borders, of possible movements, of examining the near surroundings, the subtle changes. No translation yet…but I hope there will be some in the future:

Dirk Hülstrunk – Ploetzlicher Nebel, Axel-Dielmann-Verlag, Frankfurt 2022


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On Words and Reality – Book presentation Nato Ingorokva (Frankfurter Buchmesse) 21.10.2022

I am proud to present fantastic Georgian poet Nato Ingorokva at Frankfurter Buchmesse, Friday, Oct. 21., 4pm at the Georgian National Book Stand. Nato is a uniquely interesting poet not only because she lived and studied in the Ukraine for a long time, but also because she doesn´t trust the words, she´s trying to look behind the words and also into things that cannot be said. Talk in German, Georgian, English

Katja Wolters (Translator), Nato Ingorokva, Dirk Hülstrunk, Frankfurter Buchmesse 2022


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Antibodies live @sommerwerft festival

Do. 4.8.2022, 19 Uhr, Beduinenzelt Sommerwerft Festival, Frankfurt Ambient Sound Loop Poetry Performance & Tape Release Show https://sndhlslive.bandcamp.com/album/live-at-poesie-im-park https://sommerwerft.de/ https://www.facebook.com/events/1025128891523527? Huelstrunk & BrandStifter: voices/ surprise instruments/ live loops.

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